Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Six -Lined RaceRunner

 Six-Lined RaceRunner, Cnemidophorus sexlineatus
 Family- Teiidae
 Size-  Up To 10 in
 Where They Live-  east of Rocky Mountains
Habitat- rocky areas or open woodlands

They have a whitish-yellowish stripe down the back. Females have a white stomach, while males have a bluish-greenish stomach. When they are young they have a blue tail and adults have a brown tale. In the daytime they will be under the sun and eat on insects.



Sunday, March 10, 2019

As usual its me again, Benji


Chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus
Family- Iguanidae
Size- Up To 16in   
 Where They Live- Southwestern United States
Habitat- dry rocky areas

 This large lizard is seen a lot in the desert under the sun at 100℉. Its name is a Native American name for "bad" or "dismal".  It has many wrinkles, allowing it to expand.  
Chuckwalla are herbivores, they don't eat meat but they eat fruit and vegetables.

Cool Video🎥

Benji is back :D

 Mole Skink

Mole Skink, Plestiodon egregius
Family- Scincidae
Size- Up To 6in
Where They Live- Southeastern United States, Florida, Alabama, and Louisiana
Habitat- Sandy areas, beaches, dunes
This creature can be found under moist rocks 0r in loose sandy soils. Breeding males can get orange markings on their stomach or belly. They have two pale lines running down their back.  Like other geckos, it will detach its tail if it feels threatened.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Hello this is Benji, I am back with another article.

Longed- nosed Leopard Lizard

Longed- nosed Leopard Lizard, Gambelia wislizenii
Family- Crotaphytidae
Size-  3.4 to 4.7 inches 
Where They Live- near Great Basin
Habitat- open desert

 This creature is not poisonous, but they still have powerful jaws and have a powerful bite! The skin can change color or shapes depending on the temperature! During breeding season males develop red stomachs, and females get red markings on their sides!


Thursday, January 10, 2019

  Hello this is Benji again, hopefully you remember me (I'm Sophie's brother)

Gila Monster

Gila Monster, Heloderma suspectum 
Family- Helodermatidae
Size- average= 24 inches
Where They Live- Arizona
Habitat- arid places with little water

 This lizard is the only venomous lizard in all of the US! It uses its snake-like tongue to smell its prey! It hunts at night and rests during the day and sometimes if it has to, it will climb trees in search of prey!

 Only Venomous Lizard in US

 This unique lizard is special for being the only venomous lizard in the United Sates of America and lives in Arizona. Its bites are very painful although there has been no reports of any death. They chew their prey, and the venom moves through grooves in their teeth and kills their prey. The bright side of this is that it only lives in Arizona and places around it, so if you don't live in desert-like places in Arizona you're fine.


Friday, December 28, 2018

Komodo Dragon

Hello, this is Benji (Sophie's brother) back with another article.

Komodo dragon
Komodo Dragon, Varanus komodoensis
Family- Varanidae
Size-  average weighs 150 pounds (70 kilograms)male=8.5 ft long female=7.5 ft
Where They Live- five islands in southeastern Indonesia (Komodo, Rinca, Gili Monstang, Gili Dasami, and Flores 
Habitat- rugged and hilly covered in forest and savanna grassland
Fun Facts
The Komodo Dragon is the biggest and most dangerous and deadliest lizard in the world! When threatened it can sprint at 11-13 miles an hour! They can eat 80% of their weight in one feeding!
These Are The Most Dangerous Lizards, Beware
 The Komodo Dragon is the most dangerous lizard to humans. They get closer to Indonesian villages, attack, have sharp teeth, and have enough venom to kill someone within hours of a bite.

Western Slender Glass Lizard

Hello, this is Benji (Sophie's brother) writing another article.

Western Slender Glass Lizard
Western Slender Glass Lizard,  Ophisaurus attenuatus
 Family- Anguidae
Size- 40 in (1 meter)
Where They Live- around Oklahoma
Habitat-Dry plains

Fun Facts
 You might think the WSGL (Western Slender Glass Lizard) is a snake but really it is a lizard.  This may surprise you, but here are the reasons it's a lizard: stiff body, eyelids, external ear openings, and a rigid jaw. It has lateral grooves, which allow it to expand and make it easier to ingest prey. Like Leopard Geckos, when attacked it will lose its tail to distract predators, but it will regenerate.

How To Know It's Not a Snake 

You might get this lizard messed up with a snake but no problem! This article will teach you to recognize if its a lizard or snake. Here are the major reasons why its not a snake: Stiff body, eyelids, external ear openings, and a rigid jaw. It eats on bugs and insects,  drops its tail when endangered, and is completely harmless to humans. Those are the major ways to know it's a lizard, not a snake. 
here's an awesome video about these legless lizards