Friday, December 28, 2018

Komodo Dragon

Hello, this is Benji (Sophie's brother) back with another article.

Komodo dragon
Komodo Dragon, Varanus komodoensis
Family- Varanidae
Size-  average weighs 150 pounds (70 kilograms)male=8.5 ft long female=7.5 ft
Where They Live- five islands in southeastern Indonesia (Komodo, Rinca, Gili Monstang, Gili Dasami, and Flores 
Habitat- rugged and hilly covered in forest and savanna grassland
Fun Facts
The Komodo Dragon is the biggest and most dangerous and deadliest lizard in the world! When threatened it can sprint at 11-13 miles an hour! They can eat 80% of their weight in one feeding!
These Are The Most Dangerous Lizards, Beware
 The Komodo Dragon is the most dangerous lizard to humans. They get closer to Indonesian villages, attack, have sharp teeth, and have enough venom to kill someone within hours of a bite.

Western Slender Glass Lizard

Hello, this is Benji (Sophie's brother) writing another article.

Western Slender Glass Lizard
Western Slender Glass Lizard,  Ophisaurus attenuatus
 Family- Anguidae
Size- 40 in (1 meter)
Where They Live- around Oklahoma
Habitat-Dry plains

Fun Facts
 You might think the WSGL (Western Slender Glass Lizard) is a snake but really it is a lizard.  This may surprise you, but here are the reasons it's a lizard: stiff body, eyelids, external ear openings, and a rigid jaw. It has lateral grooves, which allow it to expand and make it easier to ingest prey. Like Leopard Geckos, when attacked it will lose its tail to distract predators, but it will regenerate.

How To Know It's Not a Snake 

You might get this lizard messed up with a snake but no problem! This article will teach you to recognize if its a lizard or snake. Here are the major reasons why its not a snake: Stiff body, eyelids, external ear openings, and a rigid jaw. It eats on bugs and insects,  drops its tail when endangered, and is completely harmless to humans. Those are the major ways to know it's a lizard, not a snake. 
here's an awesome video about these legless lizards

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Texas Horned Lizard

Hello, this is Benji (Sophie's brother) and this article will be about  the "Texas Horned Lizard"

Texas Horned Lizard ,Phrynosoma cornutum
Family- Phrynosomatidae (horned lizards)
Size- the average is 2.7 in (69mm) the highest record for males is 3.7 in (94mm) and females is 4.5 in (114 mm)
Where They Live- ranges to Colorado,Kansas,Texas, and northern Mexico
Habitat- arid climates

Fun Facts
The Texas Horned Lizard is one out of fourteen species of its spiky relatives! When in danger it will shoot blood out of its eyes! It is adapted to arid places with sparse vegetation! Wow,those are some cool facts and those are my only ones.

The Texas Horned Lizard rarely shoots its blood out of its eyes at humans instead if you hold one it will most likely hiss at you sorry if that disappoints you. :(

Iguana tell you something... WE'RE BACK

Hello, readers!

After an incredibly long hiatus, I believe it's time to return to my blogging days as Gecko Girl. My last post was in 2012, and it is now the end of 2018. Even though many years have passed, I still own 2 leopard geckos, Tarzania and Little Guy, and my love for the species has not waned. Tarzania bears much resemblance to Rosebud, my first and most beloved leopard gecko.

More good news- Benji, one of my brothers, is now 11 years old, and has a passion for reptiles! We were researching herpetology when I remembered this blog and suggested he and I start writing on it again. You can thank him for the resumption of reptilian articles, which we will both be writing.

So readers, thank you for being patient all these years. I hope you find the blog to be the same quality (or better) as before!


Gecko Girl,
and as I'm pleased to introduce,